Geosynthetics for Private Estates

Geosynthetics are a perfect tool for landscape projects due to chemical neutrality. The environmental friendliness of the materials allows us to minimize any environmental impact, for instance, by preserving the vegetative cover at the construction site. Geosynthetic materials are safe for use in the immediate vicinity of water bodies, as they do not adversely affect people’s health and the state of flora and fauna.

In landscape design, geosynthetic materials perform three main functions: reinforcement, drainage, and filtration.

The technology using three-dimensional geocells allows you to implement the following landscape solutions:

  • increase the bearing capacity of roads and tracks made of weak materials: sand, gravel or decorative soil layers;
  • protect turf coverings and the root system of vegetative crops from the impact of wheels and other loads, organize parking lots for passenger vehicles, helipads on green lawns;
  • limit the growth of plant roots, zone the territory from different plants;
  • set up sports grounds and recreation areas on grassy lawns;
  • retain fertile soil on steep rocky and concrete slopes, protect steep slopes, build «green» retaining walls;
  • construct artificial hills, slopes, redevelop the landscape;
  • protect coasts and watercourses from erosion of decorative soil layers;
  • improve the drainage of soil systems.

Geotextile in landscaping is mainly used for such purposes as separation of layers and reinforcement (for example, if it is necessary to separate a layer of fertile soil from infertile; or to separate a layer of sand from crushed stone in the pathway structure). So, geotextile will not let particles of adjacent layers mix, but at the same time, provides for a free flow of water.

Geomembrane is an indispensable material for building artificial reservoirs due to such technical characteristics as strength, elasticity, and durability.

According to the experience of PRESTORUS, the use of geosynthetics in housing estate projects can reduce the overall budget by 15%. In addition, the use of geosynthetics improves the environmental friendliness of the project, including the possibility to refrain from large construction equipment.

Slope reinforcement at a private housing estate (photos in process and after)

The use of geosynthetic materials will help to realize a truly unique project, turning the disadvantages of the landscape into advantages and significantly increasing the service life of structures. So, the use of geocells can extend the service life of roads and household plots from 5 years to 25 years. 

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection of geosynthetic materials, taking into account the recommendations of experts. Then your landscape design at your estate will please you for many years, and its maintenance will not cause unnecessary trouble.


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